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The Clairton Sportsmen club rifle discipline is a very active and varied facet of our club. The outdoor covered range has 10 firing benches with targets at 50, 100 and 187 yards. This range offers a great place to sight in rifles, muzzle loaders, pistols, and shotguns (slugs ONLY please). The rifle range is open to all members and their guest year round from 9:00 A.M. till dusk. The range allows the use of paper targets only. Metallic swinging targets is permitted but for .22 rim-fire only. (See Rifle Range Safety Rules for details). Please read the General Club Rules and the Basic Range Safety Rules prior to use. Note: The use of any rifle in center-fire caliber .50 BMG is prohibited on any range. ​

ALL current CMP and NRA rules will apply. 

The competitor is responsible for ensuring that their rifle and ammunition is safe and meets match requirements.

Match Bulletin

            Clairton Sportsmen’s Club

            412 Coal Valley Road

            Clairton, PA 15025

All matches begin at 9:00 AM. 

Sign-up begins at 8:00 AM and end at 8:45 AM.  

Match Fees:

Juniors (Under 21) $5.00 (All Matches)

XTC Matches

50 Round National Match Course of Fire            (2 sight-in shots per stage)

        - Pit Duty is Required


            XTC Match Fees:  $10.00

XTC Match Dates

CMP Games Matches

Sanctioned Garand / Springfield Match

Course A: 30 rounds plus 5 sight-in shots - Pit Duty is Required

     Sanctioned Match Fees:  Garand $15.00 or Springfield $15.00                     Sanctioned Match Deal: If you shoot both matches $ $25.00


Non-Sanctioned Match Fees:  $10.00 - Pit Duty is Required

CMP Match Dates

“F” Class

20 Round Course of Fire Prone (unlimited sighters) 30 Minute Time Limit - Pit Duty is Required

Each Competitor will shoot 2 relays of 20 rounds each. Rests, sand Bags, Bi-pods are permitted.


            “F” Class Match Fees: $10.00

"F" Class Match Dates

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