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Memberships are open year-round at
Clairton Sportsmen's Club.
Applicants must apply in person at the club house during the New Member Orientation meeting.
Please see the club Calendar or Orientation Schedule link below for official dates.
Please be at the club house by 6:45 PM. After 7 PM no one will be admitted for orientation.
A check or exact cash needs to accompany each new member's application.
You must apply in person at the club house. (No Membership applications will be accepted by mail or dropped off at the clubhouse)
At the time of application all new members will receive a club orientation.
Membership Application and Waiver of Liability forms will be collected during orientation. These forms are available below and will also be available at the club house.
Following the Orientation:-
Applicants will receive a temporary membership card until the application is reviewed by the Board of Directors.
Applications are reviewed at the following Board of Directors meeting held on the second Tuesday of every month​.
New membership cards will then be available for pickup at the regular membership meeting on the third Tuesday of the month.
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